XX01 - How to create users (corporate)

This article will help you create a Plugnote account for your employees!


  • Ask the Customer Support team to give access to the "Plugform XX01 Users (Corporate)";
  • Go to the Plugnotes homepage and select the "Plugform XX01 Users (Corporate)":

  • Click on the "+" icon to add a new Plugnote;

  • A new plugform will open and you can start to type the data information for the new account (check the instructions below).

    Filling the Plugform 

  1. Numero Corporate: Type the corporation number of your company. If you don't know, please ask the customer success team. 
  2. Ref. Interne User (Nom-Matricule): Type the full name, first/last name, or the initial letters of the new user. 
  3. Type of user: Choose between the 3 different types of users:

    Corporate Admin: 1 per corporate account - account who can manage the users;
    Admin: Users who can create and manage Plugforms;
    Invited: Users with whom we can share Plugforms but they can't create new forms.
  4. Info user: Fill the table with the user data. Name, surname, GSM, email, and the name initials: 

  5. Type de connection: Choose between 2 options to make the login into the Plugnotes account: 

    - Login: Connect with email and password;
    - SSO: Connect through an Outlook account.
  6. Login (if different of mail): Insert an alternative email in case the new user prefers to use a different one.
  7. Mot de passe génerique: Choose a password for the new user. Press the icon "save" to save the password:

  8. Statut: Choose the status for the new user:
    - Actif: If the person is active;
    - A Archiver: If you want to keep the user data but the person is out of the company/role for a while;
    - A supprimer: If the user is not working on the company/role anymore and you want to delete the data. 
  9. Regroupements (Crit. xx): Optional field to give users extra information or also to use it as a filter facility. For example, you could include the field "department elevators" and use it as a filter to send the plugform only for this category: "shared plugform only with elevator workers". 
  10. Gestion de partages: Choose the plugforms and review the information that you would like to share with the new user:

    - Owner:
    Paste the email address from the owner of the plugform you want to give access to;
    - Cié PF (1-XXX): Paste the key code from the form;
    - Droit: Choose the rights that the new user can have;
    - Code Vue: Choose to give access to some "shared screen" related to the plugform you choose - you can always edit the field visibility. To learn more about "sharing screens" please check the article by clicking here;
    - Filter sur vue: Paste the filter visibility you want to give access;
    - Nº Champ pour Critere: Choose the criteria according to the sharing setup;
    - Critere: In case you want to share the notes in the plugform, you need to insert the number of notes:

    - Affichage Nbr PN:
    Yes or no.
  11. Gestion des modifications: Insert the information related to the creation of the new user:
    - To create: Insert the date you want the contact to be created: 
    - To update: In case of any update, insert today's date and then click on the "webservice" button; 
    - Created by: The contact email will be updated after pressing the "webservice" button;
    - Last update: The last update will be inserted automatically after pressing the "webservice" button.
    - Webservice button: Located at the top of the page - will start the operations after you press it: 

Saving the Plugform

To save the data, press the button "save" located at the top of the page:

Customer Success
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Success Team