1402 - Import PN (with Tables)

  • This webservice allows you to create plugnotes by importing a CSV file into a plugform that may or may not contain table fields;
  • It requires that you have FTP access to the Plugnotes server;
  • It works with the C1033 FTP connector if you use it.

  • Each line of the file corresponds to a new plugnote;
  • The first line used for column headers will not be imported;
  • The order of the columns of the CSV file containing the data to be imported will be the same order as the fields of the plugform concerned by the import;
  • Leave an empty column for each table field;
  • The dates to import into a date format field must be in YYYY-MM-DD (year, month, date) format and numeric with a comma as a decimal separator;
  • Save the file in CSV (separator semicolon (`,`) (example A009_Master.csv).

V1 – Source: Name of the file (example: A009_Master.csv) which will have been placed in the 2_Attachments directory of your FTP (see explanation of Connector C1003_FTP_Plugnotes).

V2 – Source_start_column_number
: Differs from 1 if your source file contains one or more first columns that should not be imported.

Specific Instructions for the Table Fields

If the Plugform in which the import must be done contains one or more table fields, you must:

V3 - num_col_primary_key):
To indicate the number of the field which will be the (primary) key to indicate in which plugnote each line has to be created.

V4 – num_col_secondary_key: You have to add another field number if the V3 is not unique in all the plugnotes of the plugform.

Specific structure of the CSV to import data in each table field

  • Create a CSV file with the name of the Master file followed by the table field number A009_Master_T11.csv for the table in field 11 of the file called A009_Master.csv;
  • In this CSV, the 3 first columns before the data to import in the lines of the field will contain the following data:

- 1st Column: The data of the column (CFR V3-Primary Key) of the Master file to                              know which plugnote the data will be imported in the field table.

- 2nd Column: The data of a potential secondary key (CFR V4).

- 3rd Column: On all the lines, the number of the table field Txx  (T11).

  • Drop the file with the Master.csv file in the FTP directory before launching the webservice.

Customer Success
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Success Team