1411 - Import a Table

This webservice allows you to create, from a file, an external table accessible via certain plugnote formats (S01, S32).
It can be used with different connectors (FTP; Azur; Bouwsoft; M-Files) and it is in the connector itself that we determine where to look for the file to use.

With the data from the variables mentioned above, the webservice will create (or replace) an external table called BC_PN_POC (V5) based on the data from the 3rd column (V2) of the lines contained in the PN_POC (V1) file.

V3: import_type:

If 1: The webservice will create an external table.
If 2: Besides creating the table, the webservice will create (and not replace) a plugnote per line in the plugform listed in the header.

V4: action_type:

If 1: This will replace the table.
If 2: This will add the data from the source file to the existing records.


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