XX14 - Information to use

  • This document is designed to help you understand the Plugnotes logic for creating XX14s and how to do so, whatever the desired action or webservice;
  • For ease of use, we comment on each zone of an XX14 plugnote;
  • In the case above, this is a webservice plugnote for creating a table in your plugnotes environment;
  • Information on available connectors and webservices can be found in separate documents.

G1: You must have received the corporate number to mention from your Plugnotes contact, as it is linked to your account and remains identical for all your XX14s.

G2: This non-mandatory zone allows you to describe the purpose of the webservice. 

G3: It is essential to specify the plugform on which you want to interact (example 1-A008). If it's not a plugform but a table, you will need to specify the name of the table you are going to create. This choice depends on the webservice you wish to activate via this plugnote and its parameters, if any.

G4: Click on the magnifying glass to select the desired webservice from the list:

Depending on the webservice selected (see G4), you can choose from the available connectors:G6: Only after you've selected your connector in G5, you can click in the first column of the 1st row to import all the connector variables to be set in the Data Column (see the documentation linked to the selected connector):

G7: Only after selecting your webservice in G4, can you click in the first column of the 1st row to import all the webservice variables to be set in the Data column (see the documentation for the selected webservice).

G8: Depending on the webservice selected, you can choose whether or not to launch it from each plugnote of the plugform selected in G3. 

“1 No”: Launch your Web Service only from this Plugnote;

“2 Optional”: Both 1 and 3;

“3 Only”: You must launch from each Plugnote of the PF mentioned in G3.

G9: Free zone for filing documents specifically related to the webservice you set up.
G10: "Planning Cron Job" allows you to automate the launch of this webservice by conditioning or not its launch to conditions that can be set in G11.

Minutes can be a multiple of 5 (00-05-10-15...-55) or an * for every 5 minutes.
Signs that can be used, for example, in the hour’s column mean:

05-07: The webservice will be launched at 05 and 07 o'clock.

*/2: The webservice is launched every 2 hours.

In the last column of G10, you can link this schedule to one or more conditions (with .AND. or .Or) listed in G11.

G11: One condition can be built per line:

C1 Type: If the condition is to apply to a single field, select F or T if it applies to a text or table zone.
C2 Field number:
From 1 to 15 depending on its number in the plugnote.
To be filled in only if the type is T (table) - Beware of hidden columns.

C5: Select condition operator.
C6: Indicate the value to which the operator will apply.

G12: If you wish to access the logs of this webservice.

G13: Number of days logs are kept.

G14: Consultation of logs, the most recent is the last - Please note that the last log is only saved once you have exited the plugnote without saving it, and then re-entered it.

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