Create/complete a Plugnote

As an Admin and non-Admin Plugnotes

If the person is a Plugnote user and has received access to the Plugform:

  • On the Plugnotes home page, select one of your folders

  • Once entered in the Plugform, you will see the list of Plugnotes populated. If you want to add an additional one, click on the "+". If the Plugform is empty, the "+" will be in the center of the screen

  • Fill in the different fields that appear on your screen (1), add notes or appendices (photos, documents, etc.) (2), and save (3)


Video Explanation

If the person is not a Plugnotes user and has received an invitation to fill out the form:

  • The person will receive a link or a Plugcode. By clicking on it, the person will directly access the form
  • Fill in the different fields that appear on your screen (1), add notes or appendices (photos, documents, etc.) (2), and save (3)

Customer Success
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Success Team