1413 – Update PN (or Table Field)

This web service allows you to update fields in existing plugnotes from a CSV file (Separator ';'). It also lets you add or update lines to a table field in existing plugnotes:

Web service variables

  • V1 – File name: Name of the file (for example: A009_Master.csv) (semicolon separator) (*.csv) that will be placed in the 2_Attachments directory of your FTP (see the explanation of Connector C1003_FTP_Plugnotes).
  • V2 – Type_primary Key_Number: 1: field number (for example: 07) – 2: PN number (for example: 1-451) – 3: PN code (for example: PN-010124-ABC01).
  • V3 – Number field for the primary key (only if type 1).
  • V4 – Number field for the secondary key (only if type 1).

To update existing plugnote fields (A009_Master.csv)

You need to create a CSV file (semicolon separator):
  • 1st column: For each line, the contents of the field (see V3) or the PN information (if V2 = 2 or 3) allow you to identify which plugnote of the plugform needs to be updated. Example (if type 1: “03” – if type 2: “1-415” if type 3: “PN-010124-ABC12”);
  • 2nd column: If V4 is filled in, the contents of each plugnote in this field will otherwise be left blank;
  • 3rd column: Leave blank because it is not a table update file;
  • From the 4th column onwards, you must insert the data in the order of the field columns, leaving the table field columns empty.

To update a table with existing plugnotes (A009_Master_T11.csv)

It is necessary to create a CSV file (semicolon separator) whose end name necessarily ends with _Txx.csv (xx is the number of the table field to be updated) (for example: Master_T07.csv)
  • 1st column: Primary key that allows you to identify in which plugnote of the plugform you want to update the row of the table defined in the filename;
  • 2nd column: Secondary key if V4 is filled in; otherwise, the contents of each plugnote in this field are left blank;
  • 3rd column: Table number – New or if it is an existing line, you must indicate the line number);
  • From the 4th column, we insert the data according to the order of the columns of the table, leaving empty the area that should not be updated or adding ''-'' or ''0'' to the areas whose data we want to update want to erase.

Things you need to know about the structure of a CSV

  • Semicolon separator;
  • The order of the columns of the CSV file containing the data to be imported will be in the same order as the fields of the plug form (or the columns of the table) to which the import relates;
  • The first line used for column headings is not imported;
  • The dates to be imported into a date format field must be in YYYY-MM-DD format and numeric with a comma as a decimal separator.


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